Dan Matthews


  • Nah

    Update: Chris Morrell on Twitter proposed an even safer option. https://twitter.com/inxilpro/status/1762166776115105829 I noticed that Taylor Otwell on stage at Laracon EU 2024 used a "nah" shell command to clear everything he'd been doing, and I really liked it - a lot of the time i'm...
  • ADHD: it ain't just a buzzword.

    ...It's something that has been affecting me my whole life, and it took until I was about 33 years old to even consider it was something that might be affecting me. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - is not something anyone who knows me would really describe me as, purely because i've...
  • You can use Svelte v5 with InertiaJS really easily TODAY.

    Svelte V5 is still in alpha, and a lot of things are still likely to change, but you can try it with InertiaJS today with ONE LINE of code changed. This means you get to play with Runes, Snippets, and more. How, then? Simply install the alpha preview of Svelte 5: npm install svelte@next Then, in...
  • Laravel Frontend Enums Package

    I've just published the first release of Laravel Frontend Enums - a little package to help you publish your PHP Enums to the frontend for use in your InertiaJS applications or with other libraries like Alpine.js. tl;dr Install the package: composer require intrfce/laravel-frontend-enums Add the...